Clean and slow burning
The candle is handmade in the USA using high quality waxes, with soy wax as a major component. It burns up to 50% longer than paraffin wax, is made from sustainable sources and is biodegradable.
Thanks to the waxes used and the natural wooden wick, WoodWick candles burn smoothly and have one of the longest burn times.
Treat yourself to the finest Fragrance that won't fade even with time!
Instructions - proper candle burning:
The candle should burn for a minimum of 2 to 3 hours straight. The main reason is to reach a state where the wax has fully melted all the way to the sides of the jar. If you extinguish the candle sooner, the dent will burn out or the wick may choke on the amount of wax around it and will no longer light. It is also important that the wick is 3 to 4 millimeters short. Shorten it lightly with your fingers when the candle is cool. Make sure that the candle wax remains free of any wick residue.
How best to burn a candle
It is very important to keep the wick at a length of 3-5 mm, even before lighting for the first time. We recommend the special Yankee Candle wick scissors. If smoke or a black sponge appears at the end of the wick, blow out the flame, trim the wick, remove the burnt residue and relight the candle. If there is only a 1.5 cm layer of wax left, it is time to part with the candle. This will prevent possible damage to the surface under the candle and also to the jar itself.
Nejrovnoměrněji vypálíte vonnou svíčku, aniž by se v ní udělal tunel tak, že necháte vždy rozpustit vosk až ke kraji sklenice. Tak se z vosku vytvoří hladinka, která uvolňuje vůni nejintenzívněji. Svíčku nikdy nepalte v průvanu nebo na nerovné ploše. Pro nejrovnoměrnější hoření, lepší voskové jezírko a maximální dobu hoření můžete použít ozdobný prstenec IllumaLid či krásné cylindry, které sedí na průměr střední a velké svíčky Classic. Pokud se vám tunel již vytvořil, můžete zkusit ryze praktickou radu našich zkušených fanynek - obalit celou svíčku do alobalu (i po obvodu) a nahoře nechat pouze malý prostor pro plamínek. Celá svíčka se pěkně zahřeje a rozpustí se i tuhé okraje vosku. Jakmile je vosk rozpuštěný až ke kraji a svíčka po sfouknutí vychladne, sejměte alobal a při dalším zapálení se už budete moci těšit z krásného celistvého jezírka.
We do not recommend burning the candle for more than 4 hours at a time. Ideally, you should let it cool down for 2 hours afterwards. Do not burn the candles near flammable objects, on delicate surfaces and make sure that children and pets do not reach them. And of course, never leave a burning candle unattended, always blow it out when you leave it.
The blend of premium paraffin and soy wax with highly concentrated Fragrances ensures a clean burn without unpleasant residues. The Fragrance essences have been carefully selected to fill the room with a long-lasting scent. The open shape of the candle increases the evaporation area of the Fragrance essences from the wax pool and ensures an even Fragrance experience.
- Head: AQUAtic green notes, mandarin
- Heart: Jasmine, potato, lotus
- Base: musk, blackcurrant