Tibetan Buddhist religious bracelet elastic made of natural wood, bead 1,1 cm / 16 - 17 cm
Tibetan Buddhist religious bracelet elastic made of natural wood, bead 1,1 cm / 16 - 17 cm
Ebenové dřevo z tropického stromu, který se vyskytuje především v západní Africe, je mimořádně tvrdý a odolný materiál. Díky své tvrdosti se neničí jako ostatní dřevité materiály. Korálky z něj jsou povětšinou nalakované, což jim dává mimořádný lesk, a hladké na dotek.
Eben se pojí především s křesťanstvím a symbolizuje otcovství a světlo v temnotě. Je známý především prý pro svou schopnost chránit svého majitele před negativními vlivy a nabíjet ho čistou energií. Možná proto to byl vždy oblíbený materiál k výrobě samurajských mečů. Ebenové dřevo je oblíbené především pro svou trvanlivost a sytou tmavou barvu.
- Tento materiál nepotřebuje žádnou zvláštní péči, jelikož na něm díky tmavé barvě nejde tolik rozpoznat stárnutí a je velmi odolné i proti nárazům.
- Pokud korálky začnou postupem času ztrácet svůj lesk, stačí je potřít Mandlovým nebo Kokosovým olejem.
- I když jsou korálky nalakované, nedoporučujeme je nechávat dlouho ve vodě.
- put on last, after dressing and applying all cosmetics, take off first. We put on and take off carefully by rolling over the hand, not by stretching!
- the lifespan of a mineral bracelet is shortened by various perfumes, creams, makeup, and hair sprays, in general, cosmetics, and cheMicals.
- do not take it into Water (bathtub, pool, sea). Chlorine, salt, and fragrant bath oils damage mineral stones, as does direct sunlight - some materials lose/change their color.
- take it off if you are going to, for example, gardening, or performing other physical exertion, removing the bracelet before sleep will prevent deformations.
- take it off even during sports, it can get damaged, you can get injured, and sweat is not good for the bracelet, just like the use of cosmetic products.
- contact with hard surfaces and objects can cause various mechanical or surface damage.
- store it on a special stand or on a textile base in a jewelry box, where it will be protected against all effects of light and moisture.
- clean it at least once a month from sweat, dust, and skin grease - preferably with a clean soft cloth (never cheMically), don't forget to clean and charge it energetically - more information can be found on our website
- keep it out of reach of children.
- bracelets are meant to be worn, they must be visible, and enjoy their healing effects!
- despite following all recommendations, signs of wear (scratches, abrasions, loss/change of color) may become notICEAble on the bracelet over time. This is not a defect, but normal wear and tear, which is not covered by the warranty.
- by following our recommendations, you will preserve the original appearance of the jewelry.
- simple bracelet
- suitable for various occasions, looks good at any age
- strung on an elastic band
- the bracelet is stretchy, thanks to the elastic band it has a universal size
- ensures comfortable wearing
- bracelet length: 16 - 17 cm
- bead diameter on the bracelet: 1.1 mm
It is a natural material. Its color and texture may therefore slightly differ from the illustrative photograph.
By reading the description, you have just fed your left hemisphere and satisfied your brain.
Now is the time to listen to your heart. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. The stone that is the best choice for you right now is the one you like, and you don't need to know what it is used for. Your soul knows.