The Fragrance oils are dripped into a small amount of Water heated by the flame of a candle or a stove. The lamp should have a large enough surface area for the Water to evaporate. The distance between the bottom of the vaporizer and the candle flame must be such that the Water in the vaporizer is still at least warm, but not boiling. Seven drops of either one Fragrance or a mixture of Fragrances, but no more than three types of oils, are enough to drip into one aroma lamp. A lamp prepared in this way will make every moment more pleasant.
Aromatherapy combines the pleasant with the useful. Infuse your whole life with fresh natural essential oils. Use precious volatile substances for inhalation at home and at work, treat yourself to a pampering bath or sauna, delight in a fragrant and effective masSage. For perfect relaxation and harmony of the senses, choose essential oils spontaneously, intuitively, at first breath, fall in love. For health purposes, choose oils according to the specific effects they induce.
Take advantage of the positive effects of essential oils in an aromatherapy lamp. Add 3-8 drops of oil to Water and light a candle flame. The heat releases volatile essential oils, which later develop into a pleasant harmony. The essential oils Fragrance and refresh the room, while absorbing odours. Let the room permeate with the scents wafting from a jar of natural oils placed on a radiator or dripped essential oil on a tissue.
Harmony in the soul
Treat yourself to a fragrant experience every day and on special occasions with harmonious aromatic essential oil compositions. Choose from a wide range of ready-made compositions such as the neutralising Antitabak, the antiseptic Euka-mint, the refreshing Children's Blend and the exceptional scents such as Poinsettia and many more. Enjoy the pleasantly cosy atmosphere.
Indulge your senses with 3-10 drops of essential oil mixed in 1dcl of milk or a teaspoon of Honey in a bath of Water at 35-37°C. Let yourself be soothed by a healing and relaxing treatment that embraces your body and mind at the same time. Essential oils penetrate the body through the breath and the skin and slowly soothe, regenerate, pleasantly stimulate or refresh. You can also choose one of the ready-made Saloos bath oils, just choose the oil according to the specific effects you want. For maximum effect, it is recommended to stay in the bath for 15-20 minutes.
Ulevte svému tělu i psychice. Dopřejte si uvolňující nebo povzbuzující aromatickou olejovou masáž, která Stimuluje proudění krve, zklidňuje nervový systém a povoluje napětí svalstva. Příjemné doteky v kombinaci s rozptylováním éterických olejů a jejich vtíráním do pokožky odblokovávají nepříjemné psychické i fyzické stavy. Praktikujte vlastní aromaterapeutickou péči. Masírujte unavená nebo citlivá místa přírodními oleji. K přípravě vlastní masážní směsi použijte 10 až 25 kapek vybraného esenciálního oleje a smíchejte jej s 50 ml rostlinného oleje. Tam, kde je nutno dodržet nízké koncentrace, postačí 3-5 kapek esenciálního oleje do 50 ml základního oleje. Nebo se rovnou spolehněte na širokou nabídku hotových masážních olejů, které jsou vyrobeny na základě speciálně vyvinutých receptur. Představují kombinaci nejkvalitnějších rostlinných olejů a bio olejů lisovaných za studena se směsí vybraných éterických olejů.
Experience the qualities of natural essential oils in the sauna, not only to create a pleasant atmosphere. Just 10 - 20 drops will scent the room with the richness of nature and stimulate the psyche and the body's cleansing processes. The pores in the skin are enlarged due to the sauna and thus receive natural essential substances with increased intensity.