Slow-Natur Essential Beauty Essential Oil 10 ml

Vonný olej je vhodný pro osvěžení a při relaxaci. Dále pak do aromalamp, sauny, koupele a na masáže. K provonění vzduchu do aromalampy a do potpouri. Jedná se o přírodní organické látky, které díky své biologické aktivitě působí harmonicky na organismus a vyvolávají žádoucí účinky, vždy podle druhu použité silice. V... more
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Slow-Natur Essential Beauty Essential Oil 10 ml

Vonný olej je vhodný pro osvěžení a při relaxaci. Dále pak do aromalamp, sauny, koupele a na masáže. K provonění vzduchu do Aromalampy a do potpouri. Jedná se o přírodní organické látky, které díky své biologické aktivitě působí harmonicky na organismus a vyvolávají žádoucí účinky, vždy podle druhu použité silice.

  • Vůně: Essential beauty
  • 10 ml

Etiketa na lahvičce esenciálního oleje nebo silice by měla vždy obsahovat český a latinský název rostliny a místo jejího původu. Ujistěte se o 100% kvalitě přírodního produktu!

Pouze 100% přírodní oleje mohou skutečně příznivě ovlivňovat lidskou mysl, náladu, emoce, nervový a imunitní systém a také stimulovat tělo k samoozdravění s konkrétními aromaterapeutickými výsledky.

Z esenciálních olejů se působením tepla postupně uvolňují molekuly vonné látky a šíří se vzduchem. Vůně silně Stimuluje mozkové centrum, které ovlivňuje emoce a spouští příznivé a dlouhodobé hojivé procesy. Speciální druhy esenciálních olejů rovněž podporují intelektuální a analytické schopnosti mozku.

Dobrá rada
Molekuly esenciálních olejů procházejí plícemi i pokožkou do celého těla, proto je důležité, aby byl olej opravdu kvalitní a na ryze přírodní bázi.

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Bugala PEO, s.r.o.
Nebezpečnost pro zdraví
Nebezpečnost pro zdraví

Aromatherapy combines the pleasant with the useful. Infuse your whole life with fresh natural essential oils. Use the precious volatile substances for inhalation at home and at work, treat yourself to a pampering bath or sauna, enjoy a fragrant and effective masSage. For perfect relaxation and harmony of the senses, choose essential oils spontaneously, intuitively, take the first breath, fall in love. For health purposes, choose oils according to the specific effects they induce.

Take advantage of the positive effects of essential oils in an aromatherapy room. Add 3-8 drops of oil to the Water and light the candle flame. The heat releases volatile fragrant essential oils, which later develop into a pleasant harmony. Essential oils scent and refresh the room, while absorbing odours. Let the room permeate with the scents wafting from a jar of natural oils placed on the radiator or dripped essential oil on a tissue.

Harmony in the soul
Treat yourself to a fragrant experience every weekday and on special occasions with harmonious aromatic essential oil compositions. You can choose from a wide range of ready-made compositions e.g. neutralizing Antitabak, antiseptic Euka-mint, refreshing blend For children and exceptional Fragrances like Christmas Star and many others. Enjoy the pleasantly cosy atmosphere.

Delight your senses with 3-10 drops of essential oil mixed in 1dcl of milk or a teaspoon of Honey in a bath of Water at 35-37°C. Let yourself be comforted by a healing and relaxing treatment that will embrace your body and mind at the same time. Essential oils permeate the body through the breath and skin and slowly soothe, regenerate, stimulate or refresh. You can also choose one of the ready-made Saloos bath oils, just choose the oil according to the specific effects you want. To achieve the maximum effect of the bath, it is recommended to stay in it for 15-20 minutes.

Relieve your body and psyche. Treat yourself to a relaxing or invigorating aromatic oil masSage that stimulates blood flow, calms the nervous system and releases muscle tension. Pleasant touches in combination with diffusing essential oils and rubbing them into the skin unblock unpleasant mental and physical conditions. Practice self-care aromatherapy. MasSage tired or sensitive areas with natural oils. To prepare your own masSage blend, use 10 to 25 drops of your chosen essential oil and mix it with 50 ml of Vegetable oil. Where low concentrations must be maintained, 3-5 drops of essential oil in 50 ml of base oil is sufficient. Or rely on a wide range of ready-made masSage oils, which are based on specially developed formulas. They are a combination of the finest Vegetable oils and cold-pressed organic oils with a blend of selected essential oils.

Experience the qualities of natural essential oils in the sauna not only to create a pleasant atmosphere. Just 10 - 20 drops will scent the room with lush nature and stimulate the psyche and purifying bodily processes. The pores in the skin are enlarged due to sauna treatment and thus receive natural essential substances with increased intensity.

The different ways and uses of specific essential oils can be found in the table of effects. Purely natural essential oils are effective at low concentrations. High concentrations can cause a natural allergic reaction on the skin or cause headaches. It is recommended to perform a tolerance test of the oil in the masSage mixture on the forearm before the masSage. Some essential oils are not suitable for pregnant women, choose them carefully. For blood pressure problems, get essential oils that will reduce your problems, not promote them. After the masSage, products that contain some essential oils, e.g. Bergamot, Litsea cubeba or Orange, avoid sun exposure, which can cause spots on the skin. Juniper and sandalwood oil are not suitable for patients with kidney problems.

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Slow-Natur Essential Beauty Essential Oil 10 ml

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