Rose Quartz / Strawberry Quartz Elastic Bracelet Natural Stone, 10 mm Bead / 16 - 17 cm, the Most Perfect Healer
Rose Quartz / Strawberry Quartz Elastic Bracelet Natural Stone, 10 mm Bead / 16 - 17 cm, the Most Perfect Healer
učí, jak nalézt humor ve všech situacích a vnáší božskou lásku do všeho co děláte, takže pomáhá žít a plně si uvědomovat radost přítomného okamžiku
Křemen je nejdokonalejší léčivý kámen a lze jej užít při řešení jakéhokoli problému. Podněcuje činnost imunitního systému a uvádí tělo do rovnováhy. Výborně působí při hojení popálenin. Křemen uvádí do vzájemné harmonie čakry a dostává je do souladu s vyššími jemnými těly.
- přináší lásku - láskyplné okamžiky
- zmírňuje napětí v existujícím vztahu
- silně nabíjí energií - vyladí se na osobu, která jej používá
- povzbuzuje soustředění
- podporuje trpělivost, moudrost, dokonalost
- zvyšuje sebevědomí
- utišuje a vyrovnává emoce - přináší štěstí a radost
- umí očišťovat a chránit
- pomáhá vám získat poučení
- zvyšuje duchovnost - dokáže vás spojit s vaší vnitřní moudrostí
- čistí z aury negativitu
- pomáhá nám vybavovat si sny a poselství skrze ně
- působí na všechny neduhy - může zapůsobit na jakýkoli stav
- aktivuje šišinku a hypofýzu, zlepšuje fungování mozku
- Stimuluje imunitní systém, vyrovnává tělo
- pomáhá fungování všech orgánů a uzdravení po nemoci
- léčí úzkost - podporuje SRDCE
- tiší popáleniny
- přiložte podle potřeby
- jako všechny křemeny čistíme jej přes noc v misce s vodou a potom omýváme pod proudem vlažné vody
- nabíjíme jej na přímém slunci
If you wear a mineral for its effects, we recommend that you wear it every day.
Most of the time, you will know when you want to have it with you and when you prefer to leave it at home.- you can wear mineral stones every day
- we recommend taking them off in situations where they might get damaged
- it is advisable to store them in a dark place
- most minerals can be cleaned under a stream of lukewarm Water, gently rubbing them between your fingers
- never, but really NEVER use cheMicals for cleaning
- some minerals should not come into contact with Water, such as Malachite, Selenite, Fluorite, Rhodonite, Lepidolite, CALCITE, and Hematite. Malachite is slightly toxic and releases its toxic substance in Water. For this reason, it is better not to bathe with it and under no circumstances drink the Water.
- we do not recommend showering and bathing with minerals
- it is also necessary to think about minerals in the sun, some of them may slightly fade and, for example, Amethyst should be completely protected from direct sunlight because it turns into crystal in strong sunlight
Minerals are holders of many information and strong energies, which they receive from the surroundings and store them. They can receive, but also give, both in a positive and negative way. To be able to use the stones for as long as possible and enjoy their positive vibrations, it is necessary to regularly cleanse and charge them energetically.
Citrine or Amethyst Clusters
- It is enough to place the mineral on the cluster and let it rest there for a day or two.
- Citrine cluster is the most suitable in this regard because it never needs to be cleaned or recharged, it is an inexhaustible source of cleansing energy.
Water and sunlight or moonlight
- The most common and very easy way to clean bracelets is under a stream of clean Water
- The most suitable are clean mountain streams and brooks, but Water that has passed through a spiral or vortex will also serve you well.
- Charging the bracelet is then ensured by sunlight or moonlight.
- Each mineral is associated with either solar or lunar energy; if you have a bracelet made of a combination of these stones, charge the bracelets both at night and during the day.
- In case of charging in the sun, choose a bright spot, direct sunlight all day is not necessary.
Prayer, meditation, and cleansing by thought/word
- Our thoughts and words also have vibrations and carry strong energy with them.
- You can also cleanse and recharge minerals with the help of your inner strength, meditation, prayer, thought, or word.
Everything you need for perfect harmonization can now be found on your wrist.
- simple bracelet
- the bracelet is elastic, thanks to the Rubber band it has a universal size
- ensures comfortable wearing
- suitable for various occasions, looks good at any age
- bracelet length: 16 - 17 cm
- bead diameter on the bracelet: 10 mm
It is a natural material.
Its color and texture may therefore slightly differ from the illustrative photograph.By reading the description, you have just fed your left hemisphere and satisfied your brain.
Now is the time to listen to your heart. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. The stone that is the best choice for you right now is the one you like, and you don't need to know what it is used for. Your soul knows.