Goldstone gold elephant pendant hand cut figurine 3,5 cm, stone of ambition

Figurka slona pro štěstí je ručně broušená. GOLDSTONE - ZLATÁ HVĚZDA - DŮVĚRA - SVĚTLO - ZMOCNĚNÍ Abyste si zajistili zlatou budoucnost, přijměte ochrannou energii Goldstone. Goldstone je vyroben z křemenného a pískového skla a je naplněn měděnými částicemi, které mu propůjčují jeho třpytivý vzhled. Jiskry Goldstone ... more
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Goldstone gold elephant pendant hand cut figurine 3,5 cm, stone of ambition

Figurka slona pro štěstí je ručně broušená.


Abyste si zajistili zlatou budoucnost, přijměte ochrannou energii Goldstone. Goldstone je vyroben z křemenného a pískového skla a je naplněn měděnými částicemi, které mu propůjčují jeho třpytivý vzhled. Jiskry Goldstone jsou symbolem světla, které lze vždy nalézt ve tmě. Připomíná vám vaše vlastní vnitřní světlo a vaši schopnost zářit. Také odklání nežádoucí energie a je v duchovní říši vysoce ceněn jako ochranný minerál.

Poselství Křišťálového kamene znamená, že někdy musíte ztratit mysl, abyste našli sami sebe

  • známý jako kámen „ambicí“,
  • je spojen se zvýšením vašeho úsilí a sebevědomí, což vede pro vydláždění cesty ke splnění všech vašich snů, bez ohledu na to, jak šílené nebo divoké
  • připomíná, že světlo lze vždy nalézt ve tmě
  • ochranný válečnický kámen
  • silný uzemňovací kámen
  • je nezbytností pro chvíle, kdy se cítíte přemoženi toxickými emocemi a negativními myšlenkami
  • má silné spojení se zemí a léčivými vibracemi
  • držením v každé ruce, pomáhá vyrovnat čakry a obnovit harmonii mysli-těla-ducha

Být uzemněný také pomáhá obnovit rovnováhu a harmonii sakrální Čakra, energetické centrum, které obsahuje vaše nejhlubší vášně. Nechte tento ohnivý kotel kreativity a smyslnosti znovu probudit, když získáte přístup k inspirativním kvalitám významu Křišťálového kamene Goldstone. Silným koktejlem pro posílení vaší kreativní energie je Goldstone kombinovaný s dalšími silovými kameny ze zlatého a oranžového barevného paprsku, včetně karneolTYGŘÍ OKO Jantarový a oranžový kalcit. Udržujte tuto léčivou kreativitu ve své kanceláři nebo studiu, abyste mohli vždy využít její inspirativní energii. Abyste umocnili jeho léčivou sílu, nastavte svému kameni záměr, který vám uloží, abyste jej mohli později zavolat, až budete potřebovat jeho vedení a podporu.


Udržujte tuto léčivou kreativitu ve své kanceláři nebo studiu, abyste mohli vždy využít její inspirativní energii. Abyste umocnili jeho léčivou sílu, nastavte svému kameni záměr, který vám uloží, abyste jej mohli později zavolat, až budete potřebovat jeho vedení a podporu.

  • funguje jako zdroj energie, který Vás posílí, když se cítíte unavení a vyčerpaní
  • působí blahodárně při bolestech hlavy

Hnědý goldstone má krásný zlatý třpyt, je to kámen úspěchu, bohatství a prosperity. Hodí se při rituálech prosperity a můžete jej nosit u sebe jako magický talisman.


  • Čistíme pod proudem vlažné vody a nabíjíme při úplňku


Goldstone je zahalen tajemstvím a legendárním, který lze vysledovat až k rodině Miotti v Benátkách v sedmnáctém století. Tato italská rodina sklářů zdokonalila techniku ​​vytváření speciálního druhu upraveného skla, jehož výsledkem je Goldstone. Další legenda odvozuje jeho původ do středověku a nejasného mnišského řádu, který mu dal jméno Monk's Gold. Rodina Miotti udržovala svou techniku ​​v tajnosti po stovky let, dokud ji italský sklář jménem Pietro Bigaglia v 19. století nepřinesl do hlavního proudu. Dnes jeho třpytivé mikroskopické měděné kuličky vypadají ještě úžasněji, když jsou vyhlazené a vyleštěné do kuliček pro výrobu šperků.

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EK energimůza Morava

The hand-cut elephant figurine serves as a protective figurine or good luck charm.

Goldstone is a man-made stone with a golden tinge. It is actually a glassy substance with tiny copper particles creating a golden shimmer. These particles are oriented in one direction, so that when the stone is faceted properly, it exhibits light effects similar to a starry sky.

Synthetic Goldstone boasts a high lustre and fine sheen. It is from China

Elephants are a symbol of strength, power, stability and wisdom. They are placed outside the entrances of shops or houses to ward off evil forces.

  • they bring inner peace, serenity,
  • used to ward off evil forces
  • used in traditional Chinese medicine
  • believed to help cure cancer

The elephant is one of the largest and most powerful animals on earth. It is not always the most graceful creature, but it gives majesty a good name and is known as a royal animal (conveying pride, dignity and honour). A stone tablet once found in Greece says: "Plato told me that everything I needed to know about life I could see in elephants " - gentle, strong, silly and intelligent, elephants awaken our emotions and we probably awaken theirs. Watch elephants up close and you will soon notice the intelligence in their eyes as well as the playfulness.

Today,elephants have positive symbolic meaning around the world - we consider them to be symbols of happiness, wisdom and experience. They are also a symbol of loyalty, community and unity for their social life. Some say that if someone has a statue of an elephant in their home, you can tell by its placement, shape and the way it is handled who has created a peaceful inner peace in their living space and a path to a happy and contented life.

Probably our interest in elephants is due to the fact that we have a lot in common with them. Elephants and humans have developed the largest and most complex brains in the mammalian kingdom, making us aware of the world around us, resourceful and adaptable. Elephants, like us, lead long lives and nurture their relationships and families, living in communities and societies. Elephant offspring also have long childhoods during which they learn all the practical skills of life.

Tracing the origins takes us to Southeast Asia and India, where elephants are worshipped and accepted in many spiritual depictions. The depiction of the Hindu god Ganesha is with an elephant head representing loyalty, intelligence and strength (in Hindu tradition, elephants are considered sacred animals - they are India's national treasure). Generally, Ganesha is considered the god of luck, success and wisdom. The Vedic god Indra is most often seen with a strong white elephant at his side (the god of thunder, rain, rivers and lightning).

In twentieth-century American society, the deity has receded into the background and the elephant itself has come to the fore. Many believe that depicting an elephant with its trunk raised will "shower" us with blessings and good fortune, and prevent the outflow of money - for this reason, elephant statues or tapestries of elephants are commonly placed near the front door.

For Buddhists, the symbol of the elephant represents mental strength and awakening; we find it in the role of a spiritual guide to help us on our journey. This requires patience. At the beginning of the path to enlightenment, the mind is depicted as a fierce grey elephant that unpredictably tears down everything in its path. It is only after we begin to acknowledge the greatness of our mind and begin the process of enlightenment that the image of the elephant in our minds transforms into a white elephant that is focused on the true meaning of our lives. By taming the mind, we tend to strengthen the image of the elephant and direct our thoughts towards solving and choosing our own reality.

In other words, it is not enough to simply hold on to our strengths; we should be able to temper our strengths and work with a focus on a clear and well-defined goal. The elephant tells us to remain determined to achieve these goals and accept the existence of obstacles that we must overcome with the help of our abilities. Likewise, we should be able to listen to mesSages from the higher realms. When we cannot find a solution in the available resources, listening and trusting our intuition can clear the way.

Chinese Feng Shui draws on some Buddhist postulates in which the elephant is a powerful celestial creature carrying the Buddha's jewel of fulfilled wishes - finding inner peace, serenity or a sense of fulfilment in life. In Feng Shui philosophy, the elephant is worked with in more detail and the elephant chosen should fit well into the intended space. Apart from the material, the colour or number of elephants also matters here:

  • a red elephant helps communication and is more suited to a work space
  • richly decorated, Silver, gilded or embellished, the fertility elephant
  • two blue elephants placed in front of the entrance to the room protect children from danger
  • the black elephant is a protector against foreign jealousy and envy
  • the yellow elephant Fuk Luk Sau supports women in particular, gives energy and harmonizes relationships
  • the blue elephant with six tusks accompanied by a blue rhinoceros protects against thieves, accidents and loss

In Christianity, the symbol of the elephant signifies temperance, chastity, and patience. They are depicted in various ancient works of art and are believed to represent Adam and Eve in their male and female forms. It was also once believed that elephants had no knees and therefore symbolized the "fall of man." A fallen elephant represented a person who had fallen into sin.

In African mythology, the elephant is depicted as a wise chief, who can objectively settle disputes between other animals, resulting in its symbolic meanings of strength, power, and wisdom.

In Celtic culture, elephants were mostly alien (similar to American Indians), and a single example can be found in a found writing, according to which the elephant was used by King Antiochus I Soter in battle to surprise and frighten his enemies. Subsequently, the elephant assumed a position in the Celtic symbolic pantheon associated with military strategy.

The presence of elephants in dreams usually conveys loyalty, intellect, strength and power. It can mean a reminder to remember something crucial, or, conversely, holding on too long to certain memories that need to be left in the past. A dream about a baby elephant may symbolize a problem that does not seem too important at the moment, but may grow into a challenging issue over time. Dreaming about an elephant may also tell us that we need to have more patience and understanding towards other people.

An elephant is supposed to bring happiness into our lives, and we each imagine this in our own way based on our journey through life. If you get an elephant, it is primarily up to you what it looks like. The depiction of elephants is varied and some people like a precious piece, for example, others get an elephant with simple ornate decoration; of the materials, some prefer wood and others stone or fabric; likewise, some people are content with one elephant and others get several over time. Finding happiness and life satisfaction, however, is not found in an elephant statue outside of ourselves - it requires deep self-knowledge and self-discipline. Elephant statues can be great companions on this journey.

You've just fed your left hemisphere and satisfied your brain by reading the description. Now it's time to listen to your heart. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. The stone that is the best choice for you right now is one that you like and don't need to know what it's for. Your soul knows.

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Goldstone gold elephant pendant hand cut figurine 3,5 cm, stone of ambition

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