Dr. Popov Rooibos herbal tea caffeine-free, high in minerals and antioxidants 100 g
Dr. Popov Rooibos herbal tea caffeine-free, high in minerals and antioxidants 100 g
Bylinný čaj Rooibos Dr. Popova je lahodný africký čaj bez Kofeinu, známý pro svoje účinky po celém světě. Rooibos pochází z Jižní Afriky, jedná se o vytrvalou rostlinu pověstnou povzbuzujícími účinky a skvělou chutí. Obsahuje vysoké množství minerálních látek (Měď, Železo, draslík, hořčík, vápník) a antixodiantů. Nevyvolává nespavost, protože neobsahuje kofein. Z toho důvodu je výborným nápojem i pro děti, těhotné ženy a osoby s vysokým krevním tlakem. Přírodní rooibos má příjemnou lehce nasládlou aromatickou chuť a můžete pít teplý i studený. Ve směsích se dochucuje přídavkem ovoce nebo bylin a ovocných aromat. Doporučujeme ho pít také při redukčních dietách, protože neobsahuje téměř žádné kalorie.
pour 1 teaspoon over 0.25 l of just boiling Water (can be simmered for a minute), cover and leave to infuse for 5 - 7 min. Drain. Rooibos can be drunk hot or chilled, preferably up to 3 cups per day. Children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and the elderly 1 to 2 cups.
Rooibos - Cape tea plant.
Keep out of reach of children, store in a dry place at 5-25 °C.
Dr. Popov's herbal teas are purely natural blends of Herbs that do not contain any preservatives or colouring agents. The Herbs used are certified. The teas are suitable for daily drinking. They are an ideal beverage as they replenish the body with vitamins, minerals and other important substances in a well-absorbed form.
Herbal tea is usually an infusion of Herbs, but it can be combined with black or green tea, either in the making of the mixture or after the infusion has been infused. It is sold as a portioned tea or as loose tea. Usually, it is enough to pour boiling Water over the fresh or dried part of the herb and let the drug infuse for a few minutes. Tea made from fresh Herbs is stronger, because the medicinal substances disappear over time and the drug loses its effectiveness. There is also a procedure of infusing with cold Water, called maceration, which is gentler but takes several hours.
Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 prohibits the communication of information about the effects of our products on the human body.