Coral blue facet bracelet elastic natural stone, ball 5 mm / 16 - 17 cm
Coral blue facet bracelet elastic natural stone, ball 5 mm / 16 - 17 cm
Velmi silný ochranný drahokam a věří se, že ho lidem darovali bohové, ochraňuje svého majitele před násilím, nehodami a negativními energiemi
- organická schránka mořských živočichů
- láska, oddanost, pokora a soucit s trpícími
- zvyšuje energii, životní sílu, povzbuzuje, prohřívá a oživuje
- pomáhá při chudokrevnosti či podvýživě (u takového nositele může vyblednout)
- u různých národů je zvykem dávat korál dětem pro posílení růstu a jako ochranu před oslabením
- má pozitivní vliv na ženskou neplodnost, pozitivně působí na všechny ženské problémy, je to velmi vhodný společník pro všechny dívky i ženy
- věří se, že korál zastavuje krvácení
- ohřívá a osvěžuje tělo, podporuje krvetvorbu
- podporuje vylučování, činnost ledvin a močového měchýře
- tmavě červený korál posiluje SRDCE
- Stačí ho na několik minut uložit do misky se slanou vodou. Slaná voda se dá vyrobit smícháním vody z kohoutku a mořské soli
- Po očištění se kámen osuší a dá se nabít. Protože korál může vyblednout na přímém světle, jeho nabíjení na slunci se nedoporučuje
- put on last, after dressing and applying all cosmetics, take off first. Put on and take off carefully by rolling over the arm, not by stretching!
- the life of a mineral bracelet is shortened by various perfumes, creams, make-up and hairsprays, i.e. cosmetics, cheMicals in general.
- Chlorine, salt and scented bath oils damage mineral stones, as does direct sunlight - some materials lose/change their colour.
- take it off if you are going to garden or do other physical exertion for example, removing the bracelet before sleeping will prevent deformation.
- take it off even when playing sports, it can become damaged, you can injure yourself, and sweat does not make the bracelet as good as using cosmetic products.
- contact with hard surfaces and objects can cause all sorts of mechanical or surface damage.
- store it on a special stand or on a fabric backing in a jewellery box where it will be protected against all light and moisture.
- clean it at least once a month to remove sweat, dust, grease from the skin - preferably with a clean soft cloth (never cheMically), remember to clean and charge it in the energy plane - more information on our website
- keep it out of the reach of children.
- bracelets are meant to be worn, seen and enjoyed for their healing effects!
- despite following all recommendations, the bracelet may show signs of wear over time (scuffs, scratches, loss/change of colour). This is not a defect, but normal wear and tear and is not covered by the warranty.
- by following our recommendations you will preserve the jewellery's original appearance.
Coral belongs to the phylum Stingray, a class of coral. It has a solid calcareous skeleton made up of calcareous needles, which provides the material for the jewellery industry. This, along with coral hunting, has a history dating back to ancient times.
Faceting is the process of grinding out smooth areas (facets), most often polygonal in shape. This finish gives the beads of the stones an exceptional sparkle and bracelets made from these beads make beautiful elegant accessories.
From now on, everything you need for perfect harmonisation is on your wrist.
- the faceted bracelet is made of round gemstone beads with a beautiful cut and high polish
- simple bracelet
- the bracelet is flexible, thanks to the elastic band it has a universal size
- guarantees comfortable wearing
- suitable for all occasions, suits all ages
- bracelet length: 16-17 cm
- diameter of the ball on the bracelet: 5 mm
It is a natural material, so its colour and texture may vary slightly from the illustration.
You have just fed your left hemisphere and satisfied your brain by reading the description. Now it's time to listen to your heart. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. The stone that is the best choice for you right now is the one you like and you don't have to know what it is for. Your soul knows.