Color Works Color 918525 Light Green Acrylic Lacquer 400 ml
Color Works Color 918525 Light Green Acrylic Lacquer 400 ml
Akrylový lak Color Works Color pro dřevěné, kovové, hliníkové, skleněné a kamenné povrchy a pro různé druhy plastů.
- světle zelený
- rychleschnoucí
- akrylový lak
Wipe the surface, it must be clean, dry and grease-free. Protect the surrounding environment. Apply the white base paint. Shake for 2 minutes before use and make a test spray. Spray from a distance of 25-30 cm. Apply several thin coats. Processing temperature 15-25°C. Repaintable after 24 hours. Even when the paint has cured, do not apply acrylic or nitrocellulose varnish. After use, turn the container upside down and clean the valve by squeezing it for a few seconds.
Precautions: Container is under pressure: do not expose to sunlight or temperatures above 50°C. Do not puncture or throw empty container into fire. Do not spray into open flames or on hot objects. Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. Keep away from children. Irritating to eyes and skin. Do not breathe aerosol. If eyes are affected, rinse immediately with Water and seek medical attention. Do not pour down drains, dispose of this material and its container at a special or hazardous waste collection point. Use only in well-ventilated areas.