Charm Sterling silver 925 Notre Dame, travel bracelet pendant
Charm Sterling silver 925 Notre Dame, travel bracelet pendant
Notre Dame – SRDCE Paříže, nejkrásnější město světa. Frederyk Chopin před více než 150 lety řekl: „Paříž je všechno, co chceš!“ a platí to dodnes. Katedrála Notre-Dame, známá také jako Chrám Matky Boží, je spolu s Eiffelovou věží hlavním symbolem Paříže. Tento detailně propracovaný přívěsek se skvěle hodí k dalším korálkům z cestovatelské kolekce. Můžete si tak Vaše vzpomínky nosit stále s sebou.
Mějte na paměti, že korálky nejsou úplně identické v důsledku ruční práce. Tento okouzlující korálek je perfektním dárkem pro Vás i Vaše blízké. Objednejte nyní a vytvořte si vlastní nezapomenutelné okamžiky, které si budete připomínat celý život. Buďte originální, buďte jedinečná!
- špičková kvalita, řemeslného zpracování, ručně dohotovené
- vysoce leštěné, barva proti vyblednutí
- komponent k dotvoření šperku
- přívěsek je kompatibilní s náramky Pandora, Tedora, Trollbeads
- materiál: Stříbro 925
Přemýšlíte, co si přivezete z výletu z Paříže? Kupte si tento stříbrný přívěsek na náramek s motivem katedrály Notre Dame a vzpomeňte si na tento výlet, kdykoliv se podíváte na svůj náramek.
V roce 2020 zničily plameny světoznámou dominantu Paříže, gotickou katedrálu Notre Dame. Za další tři roky by měla být obnovená, slíbil ve čtvrtek francouzský prezident Emmanuel Macron. Chce stihnout termín do léta 2024, kdy bude Paříž hostit olympijské hry. Vybrány už jsou i staleté duby, z jejichž dřeva řemeslníci vyrobí přesnou kopii věžičky, která před požárem zdobila střechu chrámu.
1. Aluminum foil and salt (10 minutes)
- Place a piece of aluminum foil in a bowl or line the bottom of the bowl with aluminum foil.
- Then add a tablespoon of table salt to the bowl.
- Pour hot Water over the aluminum foil and salt, and place your Silver jewelry into the resulting bath.
- Let the bath work for about half a minute. (depends on the level of contamination)
- After this time, remove the Silver and rinse it with cold Water.
- Finally, dry the jewelry, preferably with a Silver cloth.
2. Dishwashing liquid (5 minutes) - suitable for jewelry with stones
- Add dishwashing liquid to a container of warm Water, stir the Water, and you can place the jewelry in the container for a few seconds.
- Then remove the jewelry and dip a piece of cloth into the created soap bubbles and gently wipe it.
- You can also gently clean models adorned with stones in this way, using a soft brush to clean their surroundings.
- When the jewelry is clean, rinse it in cold Water and polish it with a cloth.
3. Vinegar and Baking soda
- Put 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of Baking soda into a bowl.
- Then, immerse the jewelry into the resulting solution.
- Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours.
- After this time, remove the Silver and rinse it thoroughly under a stream of cold Water.
- Finally, dry the jewelry using a soft cloth.
4. Baking powder
- Prepare a damp cloth and a small bowl.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of Water and 3 tablespoons of baking powder.
- You always moisten the Silver jewelry and then apply the prepared paste to it using a lint-free cloth.
- Clean until the jewelry is clean. Gradually replace the pieces of cloth with clean ones until the jewelry is completely free of dirt.
- Rinse the jewelry under cold Water and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.
5. Lemon and salt – only for jewelry without stones
- Pour about 2 cups of hot Water into a small bowl.
- Then squeeze one whole Lemon into the Water.
- Add 3 tablespoons of fine table salt.
- Place the jewelry in this bath and leave it submerged for 5 minutes.
- After removing the jewelry after 5 minutes, carefully dry it with a soft cloth.
6. Coca-cola
- Pour classic Coca-cola into a medium-sized bowl halfway and simply submerge the jewelry in it.
- Let it sit for 10 minutes to allow the bubbles and Phosphoric acid in the drink to take effect.
- After this time, take out the jewelry, rinse it under cold Water, and dry it with a soft cloth.
7. Ketchup
- Prepare a small bowl and squeeze ketchup into it.
- Take a dish sponge and dip the softer side into the ketchup.
- Using a sponge, spread ketchup all over the jewelry.
- You need to spread it evenly and apply sufficient pressure where the contamination is stronger.
- When the jewelry is completely covered with ketchup, set it aside and let it sit for 10 minutes.
- Then rinse the jewelry under cold Water and dry it with a soft, gentle cloth.
8. Toothpaste – without whitening effect and abrasive substances
- Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft cloth and place it on the jewelry.
- With gentle movements, start cleaning, constantly replacing the dirty cloth with a new one as soon as it gets dirty.
- You must clean all jewelry with a clean piece of cloth only.
- Once cleaned, rinse each piece of jewelry with warm Water and dry it with a soft cloth.
- If you want to use a toothbrush with the paste, make sure it is a soft one to avoid damaging the jewelry.
Material: Silver 925/1000
925 Sterling Silver consists of 92.5% pure Silver
- this is the highest content and best quality
- pendants and jewelry with lower content are less valuable and of lower quality, if jewelry had a content higher than 925, the Silver would be too soft to be worn as jewelry