Charm Sterling Silver 925 Disney Alice in Wonderland 2-in-1 Queen of Hearts, Fairy Tale Bracelet Pendant
Charm Sterling Silver 925 Disney Alice in Wonderland 2-in-1 Queen of Hearts, Fairy Tale Bracelet Pendant
Záporáci, Iracebeth, srdcová královna je starší sestrou Mirane, Bílé královny. Jejich rodiče měli vždy radši její sestru, a také jí předali království. Srdcová královna ale nečekaně na svojí sestru zaútočila a zahnala jí do jejího hradu, prohlásila se královnou říše a mnoho poddaných jí začalo sloužit jen ze strachu. Srdcová královna nenáviděla Alenku. Bála se dnu, který se podle orákula nazývá Nádherňajs, a v ten den se mají střetnout dva šampioni královen. A podle kalendáře v podzemí má vyhrát Alenka. Srdcová královna většinu problémů řeší tím že jim nechá utnout hlavu. Její nejvěrnější následovník, do kterého je zamilovaná a myslí si že on do ní taky se jmenuje Ilosovic Stayne. Stayne je arogantní, zákeřný a připravený vykonat každičký příkaz kruté panovnice. Je velmi vysoký a přes oko má pásku ve tvaru SRDCE.
Vybarvěte svět na červeno s naším kouzlem inspirovaným zlotřilou královnou z Alenky v říši divů od Disneyho. Přívěsek zasazený do chladivého mincovního stříbra s ručně aplikovanými smaltovanými detaily obsahuje také červené umělé křišťálové SRDCE a vyrytý vzkaz „Off with their heads“ - Pryč s jejich HLAVAmi. Je to královsky zlý způsob, jak přidat do vaší sbírky Disney nádech temnoty.
Mějte na paměti, že přívěsky nejsou úplně identické v důsledku ruční práce. Tento okouzlující přívěsek je perfektním dárkem pro Vás i Vaše blízké. Objednejte nyní a vytvořte si vlastní nezapomenutelné okamžiky, které si budete připomínat celý život. Buďte originální, buďte jedinečná!
1. Aluminum foil and salt (10 minutes)
- Place a piece of aluminum foil in a bowl or line the bottom of the bowl with aluminum foil.
- Then add a tablespoon of table salt to the bowl.
- Pour hot Water over the aluminum foil and salt, and place your Silver jewelry into the resulting bath.
- Let the bath work for about half a minute. (depends on the level of contamination)
- After this time, remove the Silver and rinse it with cold Water.
- Finally, dry the jewelry, preferably with a Silver cloth.
2. Dishwashing liquid (5 minutes) - suitable for jewelry with stones
- Add dishwashing liquid to a container of warm Water, stir the Water, and you can place the jewelry in the container for a few seconds.
- Then remove the jewelry and dip a piece of cloth into the created soap bubbles and gently wipe it.
- You can also gently clean models adorned with stones in this way, using a soft brush to clean their surroundings.
- When the jewelry is clean, rinse it in cold Water and polish it with a cloth.
3. Vinegar and Baking soda
- Put 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of Baking soda into a bowl.
- Then, immerse the jewelry into the resulting solution.
- Let it sit for 2 to 3 hours.
- After this time, remove the Silver and rinse it thoroughly under a stream of cold Water.
- Finally, dry the jewelry using a soft cloth.
4. Baking powder
- Prepare a damp cloth and a small bowl.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of Water and 3 tablespoons of baking powder.
- You always moisten the Silver jewelry and then apply the prepared paste to it using a lint-free cloth.
- Clean until the jewelry is clean. Gradually replace the pieces of cloth with clean ones until the jewelry is completely free of dirt.
- Rinse the jewelry under cold Water and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.
5. Lemon and salt – only for jewelry without stones
- Pour about 2 cups of hot Water into a small bowl.
- Then squeeze one whole Lemon into the Water.
- Add 3 tablespoons of fine table salt.
- Place the jewelry in this bath and leave it submerged for 5 minutes.
- After removing the jewelry after 5 minutes, carefully dry it with a soft cloth.
6. Coca-cola
- Pour classic Coca-cola into a medium-sized bowl halfway and simply submerge the jewelry in it.
- Let it sit for 10 minutes to allow the bubbles and Phosphoric acid in the drink to take effect.
- After this time, take out the jewelry, rinse it under cold Water, and dry it with a soft cloth.
7. Ketchup
- Prepare a small bowl and squeeze ketchup into it.
- Take a dish sponge and dip the softer side into the ketchup.
- Using a sponge, spread ketchup all over the jewelry.
- You need to spread it evenly and apply sufficient pressure where the contamination is stronger.
- When the jewelry is completely covered with ketchup, set it aside and let it sit for 10 minutes.
- Then rinse the jewelry under cold Water and dry it with a soft, gentle cloth.
8. Toothpaste – without whitening effect and abrasive substances
- Apply a small amount of toothpaste to a soft cloth and place it on the jewelry.
- With gentle movements, start cleaning, constantly replacing the dirty cloth with a new one as soon as it gets dirty.
- You must clean all jewelry with a clean piece of cloth only.
- Once cleaned, rinse each piece of jewelry with warm Water and dry it with a soft cloth.
- If you want to use a toothbrush with the paste, make sure it is a soft one to avoid damaging the jewelry.
Material: Silver 925/1000
- double-layer plating 925 Silver, highly polished, color fade-resistant,
- hypoallergenic 925 Silver, enamel, crystal
925 Sterling Silver consists of 92.5% pure Silver
- this is the highest content and best quality
- pendants and jewelry with lower content are less valuable and of lower quality, if jewelry had a content higher than 925, the Silver would be too soft to be worn as jewelry