Charm Sterling silver 925 Angel on a cloud - Mini medallion, bracelet pendant symbol
Charm Sterling silver 925 Angel on a cloud - Mini medallion, bracelet pendant symbol
Anděl, nebeský Boží posel pro každý den, ten, kdo přináší útěchu, dodává odvahu, mírotvorce, průvodce na cestách, nositele přátelství nebo posel lásky. Většinou mají podobu mužské postavy s křídly a blonďatými kudrnatými vlasy. Považujeme je za mocná stvoření. Vždyť i v biblických příbězích vystupují jako ochránci a vykonavatelé Boží vůle.
Andělé nás chrání
- Pomáhají nám držet se na správné životní cestě a nikdy z ní nesejít.
- Dodávají nám odvahu i sebevědomí vždy, když to potřebujeme. Jsou nám neustále na blízku. Nebojte se je přivolat!
Víte, že prvním a zároveň nejdůležitějším krokem k tomu, abyste dokázali Anděly vnímat a čerpat jejich sílu, je začít věřit v jejich existenci? Kdo v Anděly nevěří, ten je nemůže slyšet, vnímat, ani se na ně obracet.
Nový pohled na starou romantiku a nostalgii. Malý stříbrný amor spočívá na bíle ošetřené sladkovodní kultivované perle s ospalým výrazem, jako by sladce snil na obláčku. Noste ji, abyste do svého života vnesli trochu staromódní romantiky, nebo ji darujte tomu, o kom sníte.
Náš pohled: Zdá se, že Cupid je hlavní hrdina Valentýna, malý kluk, který je synonymem pro den svatého Valentýna. Toto kouzlo Me Cupid je skvělou sázkou na valentýnský dárek pro vaši krasavici.
- špičková kvalita, řemeslného zpracování, ručně dohotovené
- vysoce leštěné, barva proti vyblednutí
- komponent k dotvoření šperku
- přívěsek je kompatibilní s náramky Pandora, Tedora, Trollbeads
- materiál: Stříbro 925
1.Tin foil and salt (10 minutes)
- Place a piece of foil in the bowl or line the bottom of the bowl with foil.
- Then put a tablespoon of table salt in the bowl.
- Pour hot Water over the foil and salt and place your Silver jewellery in the resulting bath.
- Leave the bath for about half a minute (depending on the level of contamination)
- After this time, remove the Silver and rinse with cold Water.
- Finally, dry the jewellery, preferably with a Silver cloth.
2.Dishwashing liquid (5 minutes) - suitable for jewellery with rhinestones
- Drop the dishwashing liquid into a container of warm Water, stir the Water, and you can put the jewellery in the container for a few seconds.
- Then remove the jewellery and soak a piece of cloth in the soap bubbles formed and gently wipe it.
- You can also use a soft brush to gently clean models set with rhinestones.
- When the jewel is clean, rinse it in cold Water and polish it with a cloth.
3. Vinegar and Baking soda
- Put 1/2 cup of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of Baking soda in a bowl.
- Then dip the jewellery into the resulting solution.
- Leave it for 2 to 3 hours.
- After this time, you remove the Silver and rinse it thoroughly under a stream of cold Water.
- Finally, dry the jewellery using a soft cloth.
4. Baking powder
- Prepare a damp cloth and a small bowl.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of Water and 3 tablespoons of baking powder.
- Always wet the Silver jewellery and then apply the prepared paste to it using a cloth that does not let the fibres through.
- Keep cleaning until the jewellery is clean. Gradually replace the pieces of cloth with clean ones until the jewellery is completely free of dirt.
- Rinse the jewel under cold Water and wipe dry with a soft cloth.
5. Lemon and salt - only for jewellery without stones
- Pour approximately 2 cups of hot Water into a small bowl.
- Then squeeze one whole Lemon into the Water.
- Add 3 tablespoons of fine table salt.
- You place the jewelry in this bath and leave it submerged for 5 minutes.
- When you take the jewellery out after 5 minutes, dry it carefully with a soft cloth.
6. Coca-cola
- You pour classic Coca-cola into the middle of a medium-sized bowl and simply dip the jewellery into it.
- Leave it for 10 minutes to allow the bubbles and Phosphoric acid in the drink to take effect.
- After this time, remove the jewellery, rinse under cold Water and dry with a soft cloth.
7. Ketchup
- Prepare a small bowl and squeeze the ketchup into it.
- Take a dish sponge and dip the softer side into the ketchup.
- Use the sponge to spread the ketchup all over the jewelry.
- You need to spread it evenly and apply enough pressure where the dirt is thicker.
- When the jewellery is completely covered with ketchup, take it off and leave it for 10 minutes.
- Then rinse the jewellery under cold Water and use a soft, soft cloth to dry it.
8.Toothpaste - without whitening and abrasives
- Apply a little toothpaste to a soft cloth and apply to the jewellery.
- With gentle movements you start cleaning, constantly replacing the soiled cloth with a new one as soon as it gets dirty.
- All jewellery must be cleaned with a clean piece of cloth.
- When you have cleaned, you rinse each individual piece of jewellery with warm Water and dry it with a soft cloth.
- If you want to use a toothbrush with the toothpaste, then only use a soft toothbrush to avoid damaging the jewellery.
Material: Silver 925/1000
- double layer plating Silver 925, highly polished, anti-fading color,
- anti-allergic 925 Silver, zirconium
925 Sterling Silver consists of 92.5% pure Silver
- this is the highest content and best quality
- pendants and jewellery with lower content are less valuable and of lower quality, if the jewellery were of even higher content than 925, the Silver would be too soft to wear as jewellery